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Captain Morgan Spiced Rum 750ml
$27.99Garnet color with a bouquet of fresh berries, cherry, spice, and flavors of plum, blueberry, cherry. -
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Red Label 750ml
$29.99This whisky from Scotland has received good scores from various critics. -
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Smirnoff 750ml
$24.99Founded in 1864 by Pyotr Arsenievich Smirnov, what we now call Smirnoff was the first vodka to use charcoal filtration in the distillation process. This… -
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Copper Moon all flavor 750ml
$8.99Garnet color with a bouquet of fresh berries, cherry, spice, and flavors of plum, blueberry, cherry. -
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Jackson-Triggs 750ml
$8.99The smoothness of merlot is allowed to shine in this single-varietal expression. Starts with bright ruby colour, followed by aromas of prune, chocolate, and black… -
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Stoneleigh 750ml
$13.99The aroma follows through to a palate that features ripe tropical fruit, melon, and stone fruit flavors with a complex minerality that is balanced by… -