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Beringer all flavor 750ml
$8.99Enjoy smooth, robust wines with flavors of vanilla, toasted hazelnuts, and caramel –a glimpse of Beringer’s past. -
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Barefoot all Flavor 750ml
$8.99This wine is from the United States, California region. Aromas of Mandarin orange and sweet jasmine crash into each other to create a deliciously sweet… -
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Mountain Crest 8pk
$8.99This crisp, clean, easy-drinking beer delivers refreshment with more flavorsome malts and mild bitterness. Still brewed to its original recipe, fresh and malty, Mountain Crest… -
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Jackson-Triggs 750ml
$8.99The smoothness of merlot is allowed to shine in this single-varietal expression. Starts with bright ruby colour, followed by aromas of prune, chocolate, and black… -
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Copper Moon all flavor 750ml
$8.99Garnet color with a bouquet of fresh berries, cherry, spice, and flavors of plum, blueberry, cherry.